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BabyMyo Professional Training Cohort #2 begins Jan 7, 2025. These talented and pioneering therapists are here to help with your baby.
Are you a pediatric Occupational or Speech Therapist interested in adding expertise and skills to your precrawling baby repertoire?
This is the place for you. Contact Michelle with questions 513 404 7786, text preferred
Babies should NOT be sent for frenectomy without a full oral function and whole body / postural assessment, prefrenectomy therapy, and Optimal Timing of Release.
Refer to a therapist who has BabyMyo training |
TongueA baby's tongue should MOVE alot. A lack of functional movement patterns, such as extension, elevation, lateralization and cupping interferes with oral function
Faee and LipsA baby's face and lips need to have optimal muscle tone and active movement in order to optimize craniofacial growth and development as well as managing saliva and other developmental activities
CheeksA baby's cheeks are often tense, lack muscle tone and development and also lack the necessary support structures, leading to compensatory movements and stabilization patterns
JawA baby's jaw is negatively impact when the tongue function is reduced. Many babies have open mouth posture, weak jaw movements, have inadequate range of motion and ineffective feeding